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General conditions of Sale

The following general terms and conditions of sale govern the sale of products marketed on the website by the company “Omega Station S.r.l. a socio unico“ with registered office in 36034 - Malo (VI), Via Monte Grappa n. 46 - Italy, VAT number 04210510246 (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”). The website and the brand "ZESY” are owned by the company “Omega Station S.r.l. a socio unico“. Any changes to the terms and conditions of sale will be effective from the moment they are published on the website and will apply to sales made from that moment onwards.



This contract (hereinafter “Contract”) is a distance contract for the sale of movable goods (e.g., Cocktail Stations) between “Omega Station S.r.l.“ and the customer (hereinafter “Customer”) as part of a distance selling system organized by the Seller, which primarily uses the internet for this Contract. All contracts will be concluded directly through the Customer's access to the website or receipt of an offer via email under the terms and conditions of sale herein, which exclude and supersede any previously or orally agreed stipulation between the parties. To place an order, you must be of legal age. Orders placed will only be binding on the Seller with its acceptance sent to the Customer via email (to the email address provided by the Customer with the order) of the duly completed order, subject to authorized payment and product availability. It is advisable to keep the acceptance email from the Seller. If the confirmation email is not received, the Seller should be contacted at the following address: The Customer's right to purchase products on the website for resale purposes is excluded unless prior agreements are made with the Seller. The Customer has no right to claim damages or compensation, nor any contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and/or property caused by the non-acceptance, even partial, of an order by “Omega Station S.r.l. a socio unico“. The technical information printed in the catalog visible on the website is based solely on the official data of the Seller, with the reservation to modify technical and dimensional parameters according to product variations. It is understood that the image accompanying the descriptive sheet of a product may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics.



By electronically sending their purchase order, the Customer unconditionally accepts and agrees to observe these general terms and conditions of sale in their dealings with “Omega Station S.r.l. a socio unico“, declaring to have read and accepted all the indications provided to them pursuant to Article 1341 of the Italian Civil Code, and acknowledging that “Omega Station S.r.l. a socio unico“ is not bound to different conditions unless previously agreed in writing. These general terms and conditions of sale must be reviewed online by visiting Customers before confirming their purchases. The submission of the order implies full knowledge of them and their total acceptance.


Once the order is transmitted by the Customer using the methods indicated on the website, the Seller will make every effort within its capabilities to ensure delivery of the product within the times chosen by the Customer at the time of the order. Any delivery delays by the Seller will be communicated to the Customer via email or phone. Depending on the period of delay and at its sole discretion, the Seller may refund the Customer for any shipping costs incurred according to the chosen delivery option. If home delivery is chosen, upon delivery of the product by the courier, the Customer must verify that:

    1) the number of packages delivered matches the order; any discrepancy in the number of packages or indications, as well as loss or damage, must be immediately contested to the courier by writing "subject to inspection" at the time of signing, without the possibility of refusing the delivery, followed by immediate written notification via email to the Seller, who will, depending on the situation, search for and deliver the missing package, replace the damaged or missing package, or other methods of completing the delivery;
    2) the packaging is intact and not damaged in any way;
    3) the identity and quality of the products, if indicated on the packaging, match those indicated in the order and the invoice.


For any information regarding the status of the order or otherwise, the Customer can contact the Seller at the following email address:



The Customer has the option to choose among the payment and delivery methods available on the website. No payment or delivery methods other than those indicated are allowed. Products are sold at the prices indicated on the website until further notice. The product remains under the reserved ownership of “Omega Station S.r.l. a socio unico” pursuant to Article 1523 of the Italian Civil Code until the price is paid in full. All payment details (e.g., card number or expiration date) will be handled directly by the online payment method operators. The Seller receives only the communication of the successful payment order via credit card or other data and payment details. If, for any reason, the debit of the due amount is not possible, the sales process will be automatically canceled, and the purchase order will be deemed terminated pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, with simultaneous notification sent via email by the Seller to the Customer.



To place an order, you must be of legal age. Orders placed will only be binding from the moment the Seller receives via email the confirmation that the entire order process has been duly completed: payment has been authorized, and the ordered products are available. If the aforementioned email is not received, it is advisable to contact the Seller at the following email:

The return of the product by the Customer to the Seller may only occur in the following cases:
   1) discrepancy in the number of packages or indications, as well as loss or damage;
   2) non-correspondence of the delivered product to the one ordered;

   3) non-integrity of the product;

   4) in case of Customer dissatisfaction. In this case, the Seller reserves the right at its sole discretion to accept or refuse the return, evaluating the collection of the products and refunding the amount paid by the Customer for the purchase, deducting from the refund an indemnity fee to cover management, shipping, any necessary repairs for the new use of the product, any irreversible product customizations requested by the customer, or other costs incurred to fulfill the Customer's order. The return of the product may only take place following notification sent to the Seller via email within 15 days from the date of delivery of the goods, expressly indicating the reason among those mentioned above and the order and invoice references. The goods to be returned must be adequately packaged by the Customer. Once notified of the packaging, the Seller will arrange the collection at its expense at the same shipping address with the provision of a specific shipping label to be printed and applied to the return package. Once the return is received by the Seller within 14 days, the price and any shipping costs incurred by the Customer will be refunded using the same payment method used for the purchase.


Returns or exchanges will not be accepted (even if within 14 days of purchase) in certain situations, including:

   1) products damaged due to improper use, abuse, incompetence, or negligence by the Customer or third parties or accidents of any kind;
   2) products showing excessive wear: wear is considered excessive if the product appears to have been used or is nearing the end of its practical use or simply looks very worn;
   3) products lost or damaged due to fires, floods, or natural disasters;
   4) products returned for personal reasons unrelated to the product's performance or satisfaction;
   5) dirty or contaminated products until they are adequately cleaned.



Any shipping errors or material shortages in the package or packages received must be reported within 10 days of receipt of the goods to the address, citing the invoice or order number. If the report is made after the tenth day, Omega Station srl a socio unico reserves the right to charge any cost of spare parts, their shipping, and assistance provided to the Customer.


The Seller guarantees that the products are free from defects and comply with applicable Italian and European Union regulations, and guarantees coverage for conformity defects for a period of two years from the purchase date. This warranty applies to the product that shows a conformity defect provided that it has been used correctly by the Customer in accordance with its intended use and diligently. In the event that a defect is found by the Customer in the products, written notification must be sent to the Seller as soon as possible to the indicated email address. Warranty assistance is provided only upon presentation of the payment receipt. Once the defect is ascertained, the Seller will repair or replace the purchased product at its sole discretion. For any assistance needs, the customer service can be contacted.



The Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract if the products received do not match in terms of quality and substance with the ordered products, within 14 calendar days from the delivery of the packages by sending a written notice to the Seller at the following email address: Via email, the Seller will provide all information for the return procedure (terms and conditions of return). Return shipping costs will be borne by the Seller. The purchased product must be returned with the packaging, the related warranty, or all elements necessary to identify it with certainty. Once the returned product is received, the Seller will verify the integrity of the product, including the accessory elements. Once the integrity of the returned product is confirmed, the Seller will refund all amounts paid by the Customer within 14 days from receipt of the return. The Customer may request to withdraw from the contract without just cause. In such a case, the Seller reserves the right at its sole discretion to accept or refuse the withdrawal, evaluating the collection of the products and refunding the amount paid by the Customer for the purchase, deducting from the refund an indemnity fee to cover management, shipping, any necessary repairs for the new use of the product, any irreversible product customizations requested by the customer, or other costs incurred to fulfill the Customer's order.

10. PRIVACY POLICY – Information on the processing of personal data
For the privacy policy, refer to the provisions at the link on the website of “Omega Station S.r.l. a socio unico”:



Please note that to make any payment through our website, you must be at least 18 years old. This requirement is imposed to ensure compliance with current regulations and guarantee responsible financial management. Age verification may be required in accordance with relevant legal procedures.


12. Order Documentation and Invoicing

In compliance with our standards of transparency and regulatory compliance, we undertake to issue a document for each purchase made by our customers. To ensure the efficiency of this process, it is essential that customers provide the necessary business details - specifically the VAT number and SDI Code, or PEC in the designated fields during the order placement process. If such information is not entered at the time of order, customers will have the opportunity to send us the missing business details within a maximum period of 6 days. This information must be sent via email to the address It is important to note that if we do not receive the requested information within 6 days from the date of the order, the order confirmation email will be considered as the purchase receipt.


12.2 Costs for Issuing Additional Documents:

In case of need to issue new documents or modifications to them, or credit notes, for reasons not attributable to our error, a document management fee will be applied. This cost amounts to €35 per document issued, unless otherwise specified. This fee reflects the resources necessary for managing and rectifying the documentation.

All contracts concluded are considered perfected in Italy and are subject to Italian law. For any dispute, the exclusive jurisdiction is that of Vicenza. For any further clarification, contact the sales office at the following address:
Zesy - Omega Station srl a socio unico
Via Monte Grappa, 46
36034 Malo (VI) – Italia
Tel. +39 351 598 8972

       +39 0444 149 7713




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